Kaspersky Internet Security is a powerful program that protects against viruses, spyware, malware, and adware. The program’s main window features a status banner and six large button panels. There is also an ‘Anti-Spam’ button and a “My KSP” menu. This program is particularly effective when it comes to protecting kids and computers. The main menu features a gear icon, which is handy for adjusting settings.
The Kaspersky toolbar icon helps you track the number of tracking programs on the page you’re on. It also lists what types of trackers are blocked and what they do. It can even suppress banner ads on websites, which is a great feature as many sites depend on ad revenue. If you’re concerned about privacy, Kaspersky is the best option. It’s free, so it doesn’t cost anything and only takes a few minutes a day to install.
This program also works in your workplace, where mail is often filtered through a mail server. Kaspersky’s spam filtering feature is turned off by default. To turn it on, click the Settings gear, select Protection, and scroll to the Anti-Spam option. If you’re worried about your privacy, you can turn on this feature by turning on the Privacy feature. If you’re worried about the security of your email account, Kaspersky offers a free version.