(June 27, 2001) Mr Wilson Chua, MCSE+I, passed the Implementing and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure exam (70-216). This is part of the recertification requirements of upgrading from NT certified to windows 2000 track.
Category: Uncategorized
Mozcom Joins E-Services Expo
(June 27, 2001)
Mosaic Communications, Inc. the country’s premier ISP and countrywide
enterprise enabler, is joining the E-Services Philippines expo from June
28-30 at the Philippine Trade Training Center, in support of the
country’s thrust to provide e-services to the world.
E-Services Philippines is an IT outsourcing exhibit that will showcase
the country’s most valuable IT resource: its highly skilled,
hardworking, English speaking knowledge workers. The expo is organized
by the Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (CITEM),
an attached agency of the Department of Trade and Industry.
LYCEUM Northwestern gains another MCP
(June 25, 2001) Bitstop is happy to announce that Lyceum Northwestern’s
System Administrator, Mr Erickson B. Gloria passed the Windows 98 exam
Lyceum Northwestern now has the following number of certified professionals with:
- 2 MCPs
- 1 MCSE+I
- 1 CCNA
Lyceum’s current thrust for IT modernization are under the initiatives of its President, Atty. Gonzalo T. Duque , Prof. Brian Bevan, Dean, College of Engineering and Mr Michael Tanedo, LN’s IT consultant.