It is a common semiconductor that is widely used in electronic circuits. Its main function is to provide the supply voltage to the motor. To check whether it is working properly, you should check the signal of the blue/green transistor and the voltage of the red/green transistor. If any of these conditions is true, then you should replace the transistor.
Tag: transistor
Why We Recommend K2161 Transistor
If you are in the market for a new transistor, we recommend K2161, as it is an inexpensive and reliable choice. If you’re looking for a new K2161 Transistor, you’ve come to the right place. This is the most popular type of nchannel bipolar transistor. Its a perfect choice for your next project and comes with a two-year warranty.
Why Do We Recommend K2161 Transistor?
When you use a retrace line in your circuits, you should replace the faulty transistor. This problem is caused by a weak screen or excessive G2 voltage. Similarly, a hot horizontal out put transistor is caused by an abnormal B+ voltage or a signal pulse at the base of the HOT. If this happens to you, we recommend you to replace the faulty K2161 Transistor.