Congratulations to new Win2k MCSE

(Jan 4, 2002) Mr. Michael Tanedo, CCNA, MCSE on WinNT, MCDBA also earned his MCSE certification on Windows 2000 track after passing the accelerated exam and one design core exam. Congratulations, Mike.

As of this writing, the only educational institutions in the north that can boast of having Win2K MCSE certified professionals are Lyceum Northwestern and Luzon Colleges. L-NU has the most Microsft Certified Professionals produced in the Region, the other two are Erickson Gloria and Joemar Abad.

Wilson’s MCSE Recertified

(Dec 20, 2001) Bitstop president, Mr. Wilson Chua, successfully passed the Designing Network Security exam. This is the last required exam for recertifying his MCSE NT 4.0 status to Windows 2000 track.

On a related note, Microsoft has issued a reminder to all MCSEs on NT that they only have until the end of the year to avail of the accelerated exam (which takes the place of 3 core exams). Unfortunately, if you did not request for a free voucher before November, you will have to pay for the exam.

Northern Luzon Peering Point Shaping UP

(Dec 20, 2001) Moscom Cabanatuan (Villasan-Jose Consultancy) is now part of the Northern Luzon Peering Point!

The Northern Luzon Peering point is now made up of 6 major provincial ISPs in the northern luzon area. It inlcudes Bulacan, Pampanga, Cabanatuan, Pangasinan, La Union and Ilocos Norte.

Its major purpose is to provide faster response times to subscribers of each peering partner for intra-partner traffic. All peering partners provide free access to their networks.